On March 7th, NGN rescued 12 children from the sparse, no longer funded and unhygienic conditions of a children’s home in Kathmandu. They are now staying at NGN’s transit home while they receive medical and dental care during the time it takes to be in contact with their families. We have no idea what might have happened to these kids if the home’s operator hadn’t accepted this intervention by the Nepal Government and NGN. NGN is now undertaking the process of returning these kids home permanently.

Update: We are happy to announce the first reconnection of the 12 newly rescued kids! Numerous family members traveled to our office in Kathmandu for this lovely reunion. This is the first step on the road to full reintegration. Thanks to all of our generous supporters for helping us get here.

We Need Your Help

As of 2017, there are still 15,000 children living in abusive orphanages. 80% of these children are not orphans; they have families. Help us reunite them.