Hello Friends,

We would like to take a moment to explain why your donations are so important to NGN’s work.

NGN is required by the Government of Nepal to spend $200,000 minimum per year on our projects in Nepal. This is easy for large INGOs, but it can be daunting for a small organization such as ours to reach this level of fundraising every year. NGN’s presence and work is vital for the children and families of Nepal. Rescue, Reunification and Prevention are our core programs. Over time, NGN has rescued and reunified over 500 children and reached tens of thousands of Nepalis on how to end child trafficking. Your donations make this happen.

At NGN we are on the ground in Nepal witnessing the separation and abuse of children. NGN is in a unique position of doing something about this. For over 12 years, NGN has been bringing children home and reuniting families that have been separated. We are more then good at what we do. We are incredible! Even more importantly, we are committed and passionate about our work. NGN has the experience and the history of success after success of not only bringing families back together, but also in curbing child trafficking before it starts.

Only you can help us make a difference. Being a small organization, we rely on individual donors like you to make our work happen.

Please help us reach this goal for 2019.

At Next Generation Nepal we work to prevent any parent or child from being tricked into participating in this vicious cycle of orphanage trafficking.

We ask for your help in accomplishing this massive task.

If you wish to support our efforts please donate here.

February 21st 2019
(541) 912-5432